Charlotte postal workers held another rally Sunday, speaking out against a proposal to privatize the U.S. Postal Service.
The U.S. Postal Service is facing an uncertain future after the resignation this week of Postmaster General Louis DeJoy and ...
Dozens of postal workers gathered on the steps of the Statehouse Sunday to protest the uncertain future of the United States ...
The American Postal Workers Union rallied in Tampa on Thursday to speak out against a proposal by President Donald Trump to ...
Baltimore-area postal workers protest against a push to privatize the U.S. Postal Service as part of a day of action for ...
About 20 American Postal Workers Union Local 1416 members rallied outside the downtown Fairbanks post office on Thursday in ...
Postal Service workers across the nation, including in Fort Worth, protested in response to the Trump administration’s desire ...
Nearly 100 postal workers and union supporters rallied at the Des Moines Post Office against a feared move to privatize the U ...
Chicago postal workers and their supporters rallied in Irving Park on Thursday to demand that President Donald Trump not take ...
Postal Service workers and advocates for the department across the nation rallied together Thursday morning for the "Hands ...