Ancient Greek theories on the Milky Way galaxy ranged from mythology to science, with ideas from Democritus, Aristotle and ...
The life of ancient Greek sage, philosopher and prophet Epimenides of Crete straddles history and myth, but some of his works ...
Eunapius of Sardis, a Greek historian and rhetorician who lived between the 4th and 5th centuries AD, wrote a Life of the ...
Ancient Greek concepts of Philia Sophia (love of wisdom) and Philia Nikia (love of victory) illustrate contrasting approaches ...
Thousands of years ago, Greco-Roman statues offered viewers a multi-dimensional experience that also called to our olfactory ...
Socrates, the Cynics and Plato's Academy, yet the core beliefs are just as fresh and valid as they were over 2000 years ago.
But, in reality, ancient Greeks and Romans embraced bold colors, which archaeologists call “polychromy.” Brightly hued paints ...