Key agreements in the "Law of the River," which encompasses more than 100 years of regulations, laws, court decisions and ...
Recent snowstorms in the Colorado Rockies have helped elevate snowpack levels as the calendar turns to spring. About two ...
There will soon be a new scenic way to travel between Utah's and Colorado's capital cities. Rocky Mountaineer, which operates ...
Lake Powell is currently at its low point for the water year at just 32% full. Snowpack in the Colorado Basin is usually at ...
Trump’s early actions, including ordering the US Army Corps of Engineers to open two California dams, have led to concerns ...
— Jennifer Neuwerth, acting director of the Colorado River Water Conservation Board of California, told a board meeting last ...
California, Arizona and Nevada are urging the Trump administration to change course on the Colorado River. The states are ...
A few Western lawmakers are trying to roll back a Biden-era strategy to control the spread of smallmouth bass in the Grand ...
A federal forest grant that conservationists rely on to fund monitoring and removal of the invasive and tenacious Russian ...
The Lower Basin states of California, Arizona and Nevada are asking for a fresh look at proposals for sharing the shrinking ...
A new report identifies ways to create resilient water and wastewater systems in communities hardest hit by climate change.