My solution for a constant (and expensive!) desire for fresh blossoms indoors? Growing flowers for a cut garden! It’s so obvious now that I’m kicking myself for not thinking of it sooner.
If you enjoy vases full of flowers in your home without stripping your flower beds bare, you need a cut flower garden. What ...
Perhaps the plants that I am most grateful for in this moment are hellebores. Because they are not native, I feel comfortable ...
Pruning is an essential job for many plants at different times of the year, but there are five plants that need attention now ...
told through eight everyday products. For more than 200 years, the heart of the global trade in cut flowers has been the Netherlands. The world’s largest global auction for flowers began ...
If you prefer a larger space, create a vibrant cutting garden in a flower bed or raised bed. To start, germinate your seedlings in late March or early April. Place good potting soil or seed ...
Another great easy to grow from seed cut flower is Ageratum, Floss flower. This is a good time to visit garden centers because seed packets are available now. The cultivar "Everest Blue" is a ...
Dahlias come in various colors, shapes and sizes, making them easy to include in any garden, container and bouquet.