Goku has suffered plenty of losses in Dragon Ball, but his worst defeat in DBZ was actually a vital moment for the franchise.
The Evil Saiyan from Super Dragon Ball Heroes has immense power and a dark, corrupting aura, paired with a deep hate for the Super Saiyan God ...
After a deadly battle with Frieza, Goku barely makes it out of Namek in time. What happens to him in the aftermath?
Throughout Dragon Ball, Goku has faced some of the strongest villains in anime history. From Frieza’s power to Majin Buu’s ...
If Dragon Ball ever decided to it's own version of Invincible War with Goku, there is a ton of fun to be had with the ...
Given that Dragon Ball implements a ton of cliches when ... After charging a hellacious Kamehameha and aiming down at Cell, the Z Fighters assumed that Goku was throwing caution to the wind ...
Dragon Ball Daima ... against Goku Black not seeing any Super Saiyan 4 in it is less egregious of an example. While Goku uses the base Super Saiyan forms to face off against his evil counterpart ...
Son Goku recreates the scene where he first introduces Super Saiyan 3 to Majin Buu in the final major arc of Dragon Ball Z. In showing off the Super Saiyan levels to Gomah, he doesn’t stop with ...
What Happens With Super Saiyan 4 in Dragon Ball Daima’s Finale? Episode 19 of the newest Dragon Ball series sees the Z Fighters return ... This leaves Goku to finish the job, and he taps into ...
In its climactic finale, Dragon Ball Daima brings Goku and his allies back from a thrilling confrontation with the formidable Gomah, only to encounter new mysteries awaiting them in the Demon Realm.
Dragon Ball fans are left in awe by ... for the cast to return to their adult forms. Goku decided to buy Piccolo time so he could take the Third Evil Eye away from the villain.
The book revealed that the Evil Third Eye could be separated ... This moment seemed very similar to the one seen in Dragon Ball Z where Goku showcased all of his transformations to Majin Buu ...