How Do I Get My 1098-T Form? If eligible, you will receive a 1098-T form in the mail the last week in January. Verify your address on MyUTSA Account to make sure the form will be delivered to the ...
What is a 1098-T? Internal Revenue Service (IRS) form 1098-T is an informational only tax document that is issued to students for the purpose of determining eligibility for education tax credits. The ...
Access your 1098-T form at All students will need to create a profile and connect their account with a ...
Additionally, the current revision of the 1098-E form is available on The 1098-T form is a tuition statement. It outlines the tuition expenses you paid for college, which may entitle you ...
How Do I Get My 1098-T Form? If eligible, you will receive a 1098-T form in the mail the last week in January. Verify your address on MyUTSA Account to make sure the form will be delivered to the ...