By the end of World War II ... just like the woman in the Westinghouse poster. 4. "We Can Do It" was not a famous slogan during the war. After its rediscovery, the "We Can Do It" poster ...
The Brandeis University World War I and World War II Propaganda Posters collection includes nearly 100 different ... The Brandeis collection includes such famous artists as Howard Chandler Christy, ...
But very few have chronicled war for the people doing the fighting. Bill Mauldin, World War II's most famous cartoonist, is one of them. In 1943, when he was 21, Mauldin's division shipped ...
The Coupland Building 1 is where the famous World War II codebreaker, mathematician and computer scientist Alan Turing worked while he was at Manchester. Turing had become famous for his 1937 paper ...
During World War II German propaganda emphasized the prowess ... Goebbels admitted recent losses and argued for total war in his famous Sportpalast speech. While the new strategy prolonged ...