Of course, the Henson Muppets have a long history of memorable songs (see: "The Rainbow Connection ... via Goldstein's meet and greet with The Jim Henson Company. "I had the great honor and ...
It’s official: Jim Henson’s final Muppets project — Muppet Vision 3D ... which currently features the songs and likenesses of Aerosmith. (Disney has yet to announce a final date for the ...
The Muppet Christmas Carol opens with a dedication to both Jim and fellow Muppeteer ... Director Brian Henson had always objected to the song’s exclusion, and previously lamented that it would ...
Though they got their start on television as brilliant creations of Jim Henson, the Muppet ... accuracy in the literature, the Muppets and, in turn, their songs feel incredibly out of place.
“There’s something to love in each one of them, and people can find themselves in the Muppets.” A new documentary, Jim Henson Idea Man, directed by Ron Howard and debuting on ...
You’ll hear those classic songs you know and love from Sesame ... If you are a fan of Jim Henson, The Muppets, Sesame Street or even just comedy and puppetry in general, this is the show for ...
Staff Writer Matt Sorce promotes a Muppets revival — even as Disney is "movin' right along" in the other direction.