we start with the highest priority roads and the ones that have the most amount of people on the roads,” said Joe Pack, Chief Engineer of Operations. “If there are potholes that are dangerous ...
HUNTINGTON/CHARLESTON, W.Va. (WSAZ) - “Our goal is to be here every minute that the road needs us here,” Joe Pack, WVDOH Chief Engineer of Operations, said. Pack said preparations start for ...
WVDOH Chief Engineer of Operations Joe Pack, P.E., says the cracking in the slab of the bridge was caused by recent cold weather followed by weather nearing 60 degrees Fahrenheit, which was then ...
CHARLESTON, W.Va. (WSAZ) - As most minds are focused on the holiday season, the West Virginia Division of Highways is focused on keeping the roads safe. Joe Pack, Chief Engineer of Operations ...
Joe Pack, WVDOH Chief Engineer of Operations, said in the news release that recent cold weather, followed by temperatures approaching 60 degrees and heavy rains, caused the earth to soften and ...
During a press conference Tuesday morning at Hinton City Hall, Joe Pack, chief engineer of district operations with the West Virginia Division of Highways, said preparations are underway to ...
In a news release from the West Virginia Division of Highways, Chief Engineer Joe Pack said with the recent cold temperatures, and then temperatures reaching up to 60 degrees, followed by heavy ...
Joe Pack, P.E., West Virginia Division of Highways (WVDOH) Chief Engineer of Operations, said the bridge has a low traffic count and is primarily used by all-terrain vehicles. Pack said damage to ...