Discover 5 powerful kettlebell exercises that help reverse age-related metabolism slowdown. Learn the HIIT movements that create afterburn effect for 24-hour calorie burning.
Kettlebell squat clean x 8 reps (per side) Kettlebell push press x overhead squat x 6-8 reps (per side) Start with a 9-minute ...
Mimic the same setup indicated above, only when you drive through the bottom of the squat, explosively stand and press the kettlebell overhead.
EPOC effect: Also known as the afterburn effect, excess post-exercise oxygen consumption keeps your body burning calories ...
Exercises I recommend trying include the clean, clean and press and the squat clean. However you choose to use the kettlebell clean, it’s a full-body exercise that works your arms, upper and ...
There’s an obsession with superlatives in the fitness world right now. People won’t touch a workout unless it’s “optimal”, and promises a ridiculous return on investment, but few ...
Hold for a moment, then press off the floor to explode up to the top. This squat flips the placement ... Hold the dumbbell or kettlebell at chest height in front of you without resting the weight ...
The kettlebell swing really is a full-body strength and cardio exercise. The move works the glutes, hamstrings, core, back and shoulders in one movement. Before you grab that heavy kettlebell, let’s ...
Again, the squat is a foundational movement ... work your heart and pretty much every muscle in the body, a kettlebell overhead press might look simple, but you'll feel the (after) burn.