Loch Ness, the largest body of water by volume in Great Britain, is the only Scottish attraction to make the list of the top ...
An avid Monster investigator has captured footage from a webcam that he believes is yet another sighting of the creature in ...
A man on Scotland's Dores Beach said he saw the Loch Ness monster in January, the first potential sighting reported to The ...
A man on the shores of Scotland's Dores Beach said he saw the elusive Loch Ness monster emerging from the depths of the loch, the first potential Nessie sighting reported to The Loch Ness Centre ...
My instinct then was this could possibly be a sighting of the Loch Ness Monster. 'I assume the hump-shaped object is a front body part of the creature, and the rest of it is beneath the surface.
There’s something fishy going on at Scotland’s Dores Beach. Could it be the Loch Ness Monster? Well, it just might be because, according to the Loch Ness Centre, a man reported the first ...
Add another to the list because according to the Loch Ness Centre, the first possible 2025 sighting of the lake beast was ...
The first potential sighting of the Loch Ness Monster this year has been reported - with photos showing a "black mass" under the water. The witness at Dores Beach spotted the shape beneath the ...
Elsewhere, Times Square is the biggest disappointment in the world for travellers according to CasiMonka with a letdown score ...