Earning the respect of the Straw Hats' swordsman is no easy feat, but these characters managed to do so through their actions ...
Zoro vs Mihawk is the most anticipated fight in One Piece. Oda has already decided when and where it will take place.
One Piece has always hinter at Zoro's deadliest opponent, who will soon be brought to life with the help of the most ...
In a recent promotional item for One Piece, a breakdown of Roronoa Zoro was included which confirms that not only is the green-haired swordsman a Haki user but he has the power to wield the ...
Early One Piece art had oddities - glaring examples with ... nowhere near the normal spot. Zoro is a fan favorite character who fans have been waiting to see the full story of, but here's how ...
Castem released chopsticks stands that look like Zoro from One Piece preparing to unleash his Tora-Gari and Ul-Tora Gari ...
One Piece Chapter 1143 raises an intriguing question regarding Elbaf’s past, so make sure you know all the spoilers and when ...