Italian state broadcaster RAI is under heavy fire amid allegations that it censored a planned anti-fascist monologue by prominent writer Antonio Scurati, author of international bestseller "M ...
Elke Tschaikner (ORF, Austria), Kaj Färm (YLE, Finland), Silvain Gire (ARTE Radio/ ARTE France, France), Mihaela Liliana Schefer (RAI, Italy), Yuko Kitano (NHK ...
RAI is the national public broadcasting company of Italy. It also has a free streaming and on-demand video service that offers access to popular shows, classics, and live sports. You can access ...
RaiNews Weekly is a wrap-up of Italy’s news of the week from june 24th to 30th 2017. By Mariaceleste de Martino and Helen Viola Condividi RaiNews Weekly, il notiziario in lingua inglese sui ...