W hat’s the best Red Bull flavor? As recently as 2012, that would have been a really wild question to ask, because it wasn’t ...
I like to think that I’m an energy drink connoisseur. Of all the energy drink brands out there, Red Bull has to be number one. It’s been there for me through thick and thin. From late-night studying ...
The taste of Red Bull is to "energy drink" as Kleenex is to "tissue." If you're thinking of a carbonated, slim-can coffee ...
Fifteen months ago, the Reflector published an article I wrote titled “Energy drink reviews: Reign reigns supreme, Bucked Up ...
Louisiana fans of the world's most popular energy drink will need to act fast if they want to savor the flavors that are ...
Previously, another fan of the beverage shared a video of herself walking up to a branded Red Bull vehicle that she saw in her community and chose to see if she could open the trunk to grab herself a ...
The Dragon Fruit will be replaced by Caroba Elder Flower, which sounds way too bougie to be sold in any store in Texas. The ...