Sunspots, which are temporarily darkened areas on the surface of the sun ... have been keeping track of starspot activity on a red giant star called XX Trianguli, and the irregular behaviour ...
"It is spectacular that we can now directly image the details on the surface of stars so ... gas bubbles roiling on a nearby star called R Doradus, a red giant about 300 times bigger than our ...
The Blaze Star, T Coronae Borealis, may erupt in a dazzling nova this year, briefly becoming visible to the naked eye for the ...
When is the Blaze Star going to go nova? T Coronae Borealis has earned that nickname because it is capable of a sudden increase in brightness, a phenomenon that repeats every 80 years more or less. We ...
At this stage, the star becomes a large red giant. Because a red giant is so large, its heat spreads out and the surface temperatures are predominantly cool, but its core remains red-hot.
TRAPPIST-1 is a red dwarf star about 40.7 light-years away from Earth. It is of particular interest because it has seven ...