In February 2013, local villagers informed staff of WWF and the Cambodian Government’s Forestry Administration that two more chicks of the critically endangered Red-headed Vulture hatched in a nest on ...
Madhya Pradesh has significantly increased its vulture population from 8,397 in 2019 to 12,981 in 2025 through dedicated ...
WWF works in this area to raise awareness about the endangered Mekong birds and to support local villagers in guarding the nests of the Red-Headed Vulture, White Shouldered Ibis, River Tern, and ...
Specifically, initial figures indicate over 90 White-rumped vultures, 17 Red-headed vultures, and 6 Indian vultures were recorded in Wayanad. However, the final count of the vulture population ...
He added that coordinated efforts to conserve three species of vulture – the slender-billed vulture, red-headed vulture and the white-rumped vulture – through various programmes have been implemented ...
including the Indian Vulture (Long-billed Vulture), White-backed Vulture, Red-headed Vulture, Egyptian Vulture, Cinereous Vulture, Himalayan Griffon, and Eurasian Griffon. Experts noted that three ...
Siem Pang Wildlife Sanctuary is home to an estimated 80 to 100 vultures, of three species: red-headed vultures, slender-billed vultures, and white-rumped vultures — the latter being the most numerous.
Globally endangered vultures such as the Red-headed Vulture, Indian Vulture, and Egyptian Vulture were observed, along with species like the Short-toed Snake Eagle, Rock Eagle Owl, Indian Scops ...