And to those who were prepared to see past his myriad misdeeds and savage brutality, the murderer Ronnie Kray was exactly that ... George Cornell and Jack 'The Hat' McVitie.
Kray made the confession after inviting BBC cameras into the Norfolk and Norwich hospital a few days before he died of cancer last October. He spoke of the murder of Jack 'The Hat' McVitie ...
But long before Ronnie Kray walked into The Blind Beggar on the Whitechapel Road ... The event, in combination with the ...
Ronnie Kray wanted to put his gangland past behind him and retire to Morocco. In a long-lost tape, the murderer said he dreamed of travelling the world with his twin brother Reggie. Speaking while ...
These photographs are a bit of English political history. They show Lord Boothby and the gangster Ronnie Kray. The owner says they were taken by a local wedding photographer under the direction of ...
The Kinks were appraoched to be managed by notorious criminals the Kray twins in the 60s, singer Ray Davies has revealed. Reggie and Ronnie Kray reportedly tried to set up a meeting with The Kinks ...
But long before Ronnie Kray walked into The Blind Beggar on the ... The event, in combination with the murder of Jack "The Hat" McVitie by Reggie, has gone down in history as one of the most ...