Shell is investing in Gato do Mato, a Brazilian deep-water project designed to produce up to 120,000 barrels of oil a day. Shell said Friday its Brazilian subsidiary Shell Brasil Petróleo plans to ...
Shell's subsidiary made FID for Gato do Mato project in Brazil's pre-salt region, with estimated 370M barrels and expected ...
UK supermajor Shell has flowed first oil from Phase 4 of its deepwater Gumusut-Kakap-Geronggong-Jagus East (GKGJE) project in Malaysian and Bruneian waters.
Shell has started first oil production from the next development phase of a deepwater oil project offshore Malaysia, the UK-based supermajor said on Friday as Europe’s largest oil and gas ...
Shell has begun production at Phase 4 of its Sabah deepwater oil project in Malaysian and Bruneian waters, it said on Friday.
The consortium expects phase 4 to average 21,000 barrels of oil equivalent a day. The development consists of three oil ...