including the spicules of the sponge and other debris, including tiny plates from a crinoid. 4. #1622 Astylospongia. This is a siliceous sponge. In the picture, notice the six-armed spicules that form ...
There is growing awareness that to improve the understanding of the biological control of silicon (Si) cycling in the oceans, the biogeochemical models need to incorporate Si users other than diatoms.
Inside deep-sea coral in the Pacific, an iridescent creature waits in ambush. Zhou Y, Zhang R, Shen C, Mao Q, Zhang M, Zhang D (2025) ZooKeys The underwater mountains of the northwest Pacific are ...
In 1898 I pointed out certain resemblances to the relations between a symbiotic organism and its host in the relations between a crystal, utilised as a spicule, and the sponge which has secreted ...
"The rock, with all the grooves, will attract plankton, baby sponges and baby corals, [and] the hard surface creates the reef and colonises the sea bed," Dr Gillies said. The rubble is also ...