Your little bundle will get this when she is just a newborn and a few times after. Here's why and what to expect.
Scientists at Stanford are developing a painless, topical vaccine using a common skin bacterium to trigger immunity.
Use the growth medium to grow new copies of the Clostridium tetani bacteria. With a toxoid vaccine, the goal is to condition the immune system to combat not an invading virus or bacteria but ...
Staphylococcus is a common splinter-related infection. Keep an eye out for visible streaks on the skin, fever, or chills. Tetanus is caused by Clostridium tetani, another risky bacteria.
They inflicted battlefield-like wounds in victims, then infected the wounds with bacteria such as streptococcus, tetanus, and gas gangrene. The doctors aggravated the resulting infection by ...
Another booster dose is then given in any emergency after an injury that might lead to tetanus infection. The protection afforded is unquestionably based in large part upon the residual titer of ...