In January 1925, Nome, Alaska, was stricken with a serious outbreak of diphtheria, but due to the town’s remote location and the harsh winter conditions, it seemed unlikely that anyone could get ...
There are about 100 Seppala Siberan sled dogs, many of them in Maine. Each can trace its ancestry directly, on both sides, to Togo. “They’re not interbred so they are a breed of their own ...
But if any one dog really deserved a statue in Central Park, it was surely Seppala's lead dog Togo. Whilst Kaasen and his team made a 53-mile dash into Nome, Seppala clocked up 265 miles ...
This expedition will recreate the distance run by legendary dog Togo and lead musher Leahnard Seppala almost 100 years ago as they raced to deliver the life-saving vaccine to the children of Nome ...