Over 10 days, the porcine liver produces bile and porcine albumin, maintains stable blood flow, and shows no signs of ...
A woman’s months-long pain led to a rare case of ureterohydronephrosis — caused by an ill-positioned menstrual cup.
Medscape’s survey of more than 4000 doctors in Europe showed that sexual harassment persists in the medical workplace despite ...
In a retrospective cohort study, ustekinumab and guselkumab show trends toward lower risk for herpes zoster in patients with ...
Tenecteplase provides comparable safety and effectiveness outcomes for acute ischemic stroke as alteplase, new research ...
Urine dipstick demonstrates higher sensitivity and specificity than laboratory urinalysis for diagnosing urinary tract ...
Regional differences in perinatal substance use underscore the need for targeted prevention strategies, focusing on reducing ...
In testing, adults with mild cognitive impairment score lower on a simple smell test than adults with normal cognitive ...
Some recommend scoring solid intraductal carcinoma as Gleason 5, but the cancer is linked to significantly poorer outcomes.
In a geospatial analysis, researchers find a way to broaden public access to naloxone and reach more places where opioid ...
Meta-analyses show a modest but clearly significant association between higher dairy intake and lower colorectal cancer risk.
Bureaucracy and delays are pushing clinical trials away from Europe, with Asia and the United States taking the lead.