Gól a asistenciu si na konto pripísal obranca Washingtonu Capitals Martin Fehérváry, zatiaľ čo útočník Montrealu Canadiens ...
Vedenie klubu hokejovej NHL New York Rangers vymenilo obrancu Ryana Lindgrena a krídelníka Jimmyho Veseyho do Colorada Avalanche. Opačným smerom ...
56:10Kempe našel v útočném pásmu Forsberga, kterého masíroval Adam Fox. Švédský útočník bekhendem ... Vo výbornej forme pokračuje Juraj Slafkovský a Martin Pospíšil, ktorí otvorili gólmi svoje zápasy.
Vo výbornej forme pokračuje Juraj Slafkovský a Martin Pospíšil, ktorí otvorili gólmi svoje zápasy. Z víťazstva sa radoval aj Erik Černák, s porážkou sa naopak musel zmieriť Martin Fehérváry. Martin ...
OTTAWA — Juraj Slafkovský has always been big, and he has always resisted being defined by that trait because that is not all he is. He has hockey sense, he has hands, and he can make plays.
Adam Fox has long been considered a top defenseman in the NHL, but that may be changing after a brutal quote was given about the New York Rangers star. In recent years, Adam Fox has always graded ...
February 23 - Adam Fox's goal with 8:34 remaining put New York ahead in Pittsburgh for good on Sunday, as the Rangers rallied to a 5-3 win over the Penguins. Fox added an assist to go with his ...
Fox found the back of the net on his only shot and added an assist and two blocked shots in Sunday's 5-3 win over the Penguins. Fox set up J.T. Miller's 250th career NHL goal to give the Rangers a ...
Adam Fox is recognized as an excellent offensive defenseman. He has exceeded the 70-point plateau in his last three seasons, but he often struggles in the playoffs. He has good statistics in ...
Adam Fox opened up about his Jewish upbringing and how it transformed him into the kind of person he is today. There are only 13 openly Jewish hockey players in the NHL today and New York Rangers ...