The Rangers fell to the Avalanche 5-4 with 15 seconds left in regulation, and the point that got away could be costly.
Hokejisti Washingtonu v zostave aj so slovenským obrancom Martinom Fehérvárym zvíťazili v NHL na ľade Seattlu 3:0. Pripísali ...
NHL - Sledujte ONLINE prenos zo zápasu Montreal Canadiens - New York Rangers aj s Jurajom Slafkovským na Š!
Arber Xhekaj feels a bit of pressure and just tries to flip the puck high of the zone. It ends up on the stick of Will Cuylle, who makes it 2-1 Rangers. For a second night in a row, the Canadiens are ...
Jakub Dobes gets the call in net tonight, and he has been significantly outperforming Samuel Montembeault since he was called up just after Christmas. He will be aiming to run his career-opening ...
Už to trvalo dlho. Útočník Juraj Slafkovský strelil svoj posledný gól ešte 21. decembra a potom vyšiel desaťkrát za sebou naprázdno. Zo streleckej letargie precitol až v noci na ...
Maďarský brankár Adam Vay zaznamenal piate čisté konto v sezóne ... ktorý sa blysol 43 bodmi. video Juraj Slafkovský potvrdil vzostup formy. Pozrite si ešte raz jeho ôsmy tohtosezónny gól v NHL ...
Tridsaťosemročný útočník získal s "tučniakmi" Stanleyho pohár v rokoch 2009, 2016 a 2017. Juraj Slafkovský strelil dnes v noci ôsmy gól v tejto sezóne NHL, ale Montrealu to k víťazstvu nad Winnipegom ...
Adam Swart, CEO of California-based publicity ... on the part of many Democratic Party donors and operatives," he told Fox News Digital. "A lot of them are dejected, and they are understanding ...
Adam Schiff, D-Calif ... Lindsay Kornick is an associate editor for Fox News Digital. Story tips can be sent to
[email protected] and on Twitter: @lmkornick. Get all the stories you ...
Comedian Adam Carolla thinks the fires that have ravaged ... re going to change course is when we bottom out," Carolla told Fox News Digital via phone. "And I would say this city burning to ...