Airbus is undertaking a series of flight tests with its original A380 testbed as part of an effort to improve the in-service fleet. The airframer has not specified the nature of the testing involving ...
The Airbus A380 was an engineering marvel when it first rolled out in Toulouse, France almost twenty years ago. With its four powerful engines, massive wing, double-deck fuselage, and tail ...
The Airbus A380 is the largest passenger plane in the world. It transformed commercial aviation with its unmatched passenger ...
Six airlines are operating a total of 138 weekly A380 flights out of Heathrow, with British Airways and Emirates in the lead.
NARRATOR:'The Airbus A380 is the world's largest airliner. NARRATOR:'The plane would even be a tight fit inside Wembley stadium. The wings are over 10m wider than a football pitchand contain ...
Members, aerospace professionals and aviation enthusiasts are invited to the Toulouse Branch's lecture, titled "Technology Roadmapping at Airbus".
United Arab Emirates investigators are probing an incident involving damage to an Emirates Airbus A380 engine just after take-off from Dubai. The aircraft had taken off from runway 12R ...