The burial chamber most likely belonged to a ruler in a line of kings once lost to history, researchers said. “It’s a new ...
An international team of archeologists have discovered a massive tomb that belonged to one of ancient Egypt ’s earliest ...
New findings from the Tombos archaeological site in Sudan have challenged long-standing beliefs about the ancient Egyptian ...
The mystery of the works of an American naval base in Nea Makri, Greece has investigators of unexplainable phenomena speak of ...
The secrets of Britain’s connection with the world’s least known ancient civilizations - How Bronze Age British industry ...
Archaeologists have discovered the large limestone burial chamber of an unidentified ancient Egyptian pharaoh near the city ...
The burial chamber for the unnamed ruler was found in January in a sacred city where little is known about its ancient ...
Archaeologists first discovered a pharaoh's tomb at Abydos more than 10 years ago, providing evidence of a "lost" royal dynasty at the site ...