The relationship between the Jewish communities of Egypt and Israel created an underlying tension, not unlike the modern-day ...
Pi is part of Egyptian mythology Egyptians believed that the pyramids of Giza were like math marvels, built on the principles ...
We know who we are. They cannot fathom it. Our tireless efforts to explain may fall on deaf ears – but we hear, and we know.
Because in 2025, “Let my people go” is no longer a ritual refrain. It is a living cry. It echoes not from Egypt, but from the ...
The televangelist misappropriates God's promises to ancient Israel in Exodus as a prosperity gospel for today.
A gold rush has broken out in the Sahara in recent years. Thousands of young Africans are digging in the sea of sand with ...
As we prepare to welcome spring (March 20) and Passover (April 12) and Easter (April 20). I offer up a prayer for remembering how our spring holidays divide us and unite us and how springtime makes ...
Many archaeologists have spent their lives searching for the Ark of the Covenant, but a prophecy about the Biblical relic ...
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Ancient Rome’s emperor Julius Caesar undertook a radical move to fix the calendar, which had ...
This article is a series about the new transactional multipolar world order. **What has gone wrong with the world? Protests ...
Throughout history, cultures have left behind a trail of breadcrumbs for archaeologists to follow. New sites and artifacts ...
“Beyond Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience” and “Beyond Monet: The Immersive Experience” are at the Greenville Convention ...