Drimachus led a slave revolt on Chios, ruling a rogue stronghold before betrayal. Organized resistance like that of Spartacus ...
World Theatre Day celebrates the global impact of theatre, with Greece at its heart as the birthplace of Western drama. From ...
Greek is ranked as the richest language in the world with 5 million words and 70 million word types. It is well-known that ...
Of all the mythical beasts conjured up by the creative minds of history, few are as well known as the unicorn. With the body ...
Official history asserts that the Jewish people have existed continuously from the time of Abraham to the present day, thanks ...
The tomb, buried more than 20 feet underground in the Mount Anubis necropolis, was carved in the waning days of Egypt’s ...
Over the course of four weeks, local scholars are getting the opportunity to engage in discussion led by Harvard literature professor Theo Theoharis about how writers have borne witness to the ...
A new law directs Utah State to overhaul its curriculum to highlight the Western canon and civil discourse. It’s part of a ...
Rosalind Morris digs deep via ethnography, history, personal testimony, and political thought to tell the story about the ...
This new technology promises to function as our personal librarian, reducing our need to search for a book, let alone open ...
Matt Damon has drastically transformed to play Odysseus in Christopher Nolan’s upcoming movie The Odyssey. The film, ...