Ancient Greek and Roman statues didn't originally look like they do now in museums. A new study says they didn't smell the ...
Drimachus led a slave revolt on Chios, ruling a rogue stronghold before betrayal. Organized resistance like that of Spartacus ...
The ancient Greeks deeply believed in the power of curses and their ability to influence the lives of individuals and even ...
Greco-Roman sculptors created artworks with more than just visual beauty in mind, and strove to indulge all of the senses in ...
For centuries, the stark white marble statues of ancient Greece and Rome have stood as timeless symbols of classical beauty.
Several of these texts mentioned anointing statues of Greek ... “but also an olfactory one,” Brøns writes in the paper. Ancient Greeks and Romans often decorated sculptures with colorful ...
The handful animal ghosts in the ancient world are often depicted not as friendly visitors but as mere tools for humans – and ...
A remarkable hidden chapter of the Bible was uncovered, shedding new light on ancient scripture ... removed the original text to reuse the parchment, overwriting it with Greek text.
Something like a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the sea… a third of the living creatures in the sea died,' the ancient text reads ... Written in Greek, it includes passages ...
So minuscule that it “could barely be distinguished by the naked eye,” the text had been ... bound to give back to Greece the so-called Elgin marbles — portions of ancient friezes looted ...
"However, the hieroglyphic texts were damaged by ancient tomb robbers and not enough ... The ostraca were written in Greek and Demotic, an Egyptian script. Between the seventh and 14th centuries ...