The breed of this sculpted dog is also unclear. Ancient Egyptians tended to prefer energetic dog breeds, and the ones often ...
The Louisiana Art and Science Museum also has a year long exhibition underway called “Discoveries on the Nile: Exploring King ...
A 2014 excavation proved the Abydos Dynasty existed. Now, Archaeologists have found a second tomb, but the king's identity ...
The Grand Egyptian Museum is filled with archaeological treasures, here's our pick of some of the best historical marvels.
Amid the drumbeats and celebratory chants of a zaffa, which means a procession or march in Arabic, a couple’s journey into ...
But, in reality, ancient Greeks and Romans embraced bold colors, which archaeologists call “polychromy.” Brightly hued paints ...
El-Mestikawy was a prominent contemporary Egyptian sculptor renowned for his distinct artwork. According to the Mashrabia ...
Ma’at was a fundamental concept in ancient Egyptian society. It can be understood as “the rightness of things” and was a ...
This stunning seaside city is the largest city on the Mediterranean coast and once stood as Egypt's capital city for almost a ...
The myth that the statues of ancient Greece and Rome were white was created over time and upheld in part to serve racist ideological purposes. But in reality, ancient works of art were colorful, and ...
Archaeologists have unearthed the tomb of a yet unknown Egyptian pharaoh who ruled 3,600 years ago during a time of political ...