UAF scientists have found microplastics in all marine mammals species they’ve studied so far, and new results show passage ...
(WPRI) — The rare hooded seal spotted eating rocks in Providence earlier ... said the hooded seal is an Arctic species that is used to eating packed ice and snow. Callan said Nova became ...
A bearded seal normally found in icy Arctic waters has arrived in Shetland. Only a handful of the bearded seals have been spotted in Shetland since records began. Local wildlife expert Hugh Harrop ...
DESCRIPTION: Ringed seals, the most widespread Arctic marine mammal, have plump bodies decorated with prominent gray-white rings scattered across a light or dark gray coat. Adults vary widely in size ...
As the planet heats up, the summer sea ice and all the superbly adapted life it supports—the bears, the seals, the walruses, the whales, the Arctic cod ... We’ve already spotted the tracks ...
Tom Arnbom, a senior advisor to WWF on the Arctic and its marine life ... Some do also feed on birds and other seal species." Mr Arnbom said the public could help to protect the walrus' wellbeing.
DESCRIPTION: The bearded seal gets its name from its thick, elegantly curled, and very abundant whiskers. It is the largest Arctic pinniped after the walrus, averaging 7.2 feet in length and 484 to ...