Asgardian learned that he was the son of the ... Even after allowing the heroes to enter into Isaiah's house, Eli stands by and moves them out of the house when his grandfather gets too riled ...
Asgardian learned that he was the son of the ... Even after allowing the heroes to enter into Isaiah's house, Eli stands by and moves them out of the house when his grandfather gets too riled ...
Post-Credits Scene #1: With the Aether finally out of Malekith’s hands, Asgardian warriors Volstagg ... ant that Scott was using to carry out his house arrest routine in order to fool the ...
The blend of Asgardian fantasical elements and Earth ... Iron Man 3 also ends with a great final set piece, bringing a 'house party' of Iron Man suits together on-screen to beat some dudes up.
Following the arrival of the Fantastic Four and leaks of Blade, X-Men and more, a new leak has revealed that obscure Asgardian character Angela is currently in the works. Created by Tod McFarlane ...
Newsarama previously showed off some unlettered pages from Captain America and Volstagg #1, in which Steve Rogers dons a set of custom crafted Asgardian armor. Now, we've got even more to show you ...
where she wields an Asgardian hammer, Stormcaster. This powerful look is set to debut at the same time as Loki’s new outfit.
It seems that Volstagg discovered a world of poets and artists while exploring the far reaches of the universe alone. Facing invasion from a tyrannical race, these people were in need of a hero ...
The Asgardian lost sister of Thor, Aldrif Odinsdottir is an angel known for her hand-to-hand combat with an expertise in any bladed weapon. 1) Beast A founding member of the X-Men first class ...
This character is Beta Ray Bill, who is neither Asgardian nor Human. He is a Korbinite with an extremely altered anatomy meant to make him the ultimate champion of his people. In the comics ...
The Asgardian prince sits atop an ancient throne complete with purple drapery, a wooden texture, and gold engravings — including a ram and snake which reference Thor and Loki's mythological rivalry.