From Hollywood to Silicon Valley to the halls of Congress, autism in many ways is riding a growing wave of awareness and open conversation.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, about 27% of kids with autism have the intense symptoms of profound autism.
This April, the Autism Society of America celebrates Autism Acceptance Month alongside its 60 th anniversary by fostering meaningful connections, empowering individuals, and advocating for the rights ...
Nearly 78% of households in Virginia now have access to the internet and with $1.48 billion in federal BEAD (Broadband Equity Access and Deployment) funding, that number continues to grow.
The journey to an autism diagnosis often begins with subtle ... emerge between 2-3 years of age as children develop stronger awareness of their environments and expectations.
The Cranford Fire Department is once again showing its support for “National Autism Acceptance Month” throughout April by ...
Region 14 Education Service Center (ESC) hosted the 21st Annual Autism Extravaganza at the Hunter Welcome Center on March 5 ...
I currently get PIP for autism and mobility issues ... Neither is suitable for me as I have zero traffic awareness, get overwhelmed around people, and can’t walk or stand for long.
A boy from Coventry who is on the autism spectrum received a proclamation at Monday night’s Town Council meeting.
Weak muscle tone, and conditions such as epilepsy and autism or behavioral issues ... This week is GRIN2B Awareness Week. Having such an event is helpful in being able to properly signal and ...