God is interested in your glory, your honor, your Joy. wearing garments of honor” often refers to the special priestly garments commanded by God in Exodus 28, signifying holiness, glory, and beauty in ...
In this column, we are going to look at the way the Church is the hope for a hopeless society. Jesus founded this Church, but ...
Researchers have just deciphered a series of Babylonian astrological tablets inscribed 3,800 years ago — and the results are ...
Now, fast forward to October 6, 2023, when Israelis were living peacefully, happily providing Gazans with an income by ...
The Romans named the seventh day Saturday, based on the Roman god Saturn. The word means “enough.” Saturn’s reign was ...
Yahweh. The God of the Covenant. The one who cannot lie (Numbers 23:19). The one who spoke the stars into existence (Genesis 1:14–19). The one who commands the winds and waves, and they obey (Matthew ...
The tenth and eleventh weekly Torah readings from Exodus, Vayakkel (35:1-38:20) and Pekekudei (38:21-40:38) deal with the construction of the Tabernacle during Moses’s time. Many readers think the ...
Most secularists believe that these religious apocalyptic visions of the future are absurd, although many secularists themselves fervently believe that artificial intelligence, run away genetic ...
Given Judaism's history of responding and adapting to technological change, the lack of a Jewish response to AI is glaring.
Fort Bend ISD is mulling over adding elements of Christianity to its curriculum, but not everyone wants to discuss religion ...
During the Babylonian Captivity, Ezekiel had a vision from God about the design of the new Temple. According to Ezekiel 41:17-25, this new Temple contained graven images of angels and palm trees.