Whether it's hosting friends, or relaxing with loved ones, permanent outdoor lights can take it to the next level. Here five ...
We don’t know who first said that the eye is the window to the soul, but if they were around today, they might well phrase it ...
General Electric’s spinoff is working to usher in energy’s next generation, using a combination of its legacy roots and a focus on startups.
In 2010, an energy researcher named Evan Mills was surprised to walk into a plant nursery near his Mendocino, California, ...
“The benefits of energy efficiency programs may not be worth their cost to ratepayers,” State Auditor Grant Parks wrote in a report released on March 18. “None of the utilities’ program portfolios met ...
The bulb has been alight longer than any human has been alive. It has outlasted at least 20 U.S. presidents. The union was ...
The Home Depot’s lighting aisle is among the scariest places in retail to find yourself (yes, even more so than the store’s ...
The latest tech lineup can make that mammoth spring cleaning task a whole lot easier. Here are some of our top picks.
Most light bulbs have three factors to consider: watts, lumens, and Kelvins. While watts and lumens will indicate how much power your bulb is consuming and the amount of light it ...
This musclebound light switch from PureEdge doesn’t just dim, it also controls scenes and color temperatures of ...
A group of local teens at the Gifford Youth Achievement Center are assembling solar power kits that will be used for ...
I wanted to understand the advantages of LED lighting over traditional options, and it turns out there's more to it than just ...