Just as nations came together to phase out CFCs, similar action could be taken to reduce carbon emissions and slow global warming. The study shows that with the right policies, science-driven ...
However, it was unclear whether this recovery of the ozone layer was due to international efforts to reduce emissions of CFCs and other chemicals, or to climate change such as global warming.
The Arctic has seen rapidly melting sea ice for years and is warming faster ... gases include chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which we've been cracking down on since the global agreement known as ...
While carbon dioxide, or CO2, is the best-known greenhouse gas, several others, including methane and nitrous oxide, also drive global warming ... presence of CFCs, another ozone-depleting ...
Its warming power is more than 80 times greater ... It has already reduced the presence of CFCs in the atmosphere. This is another ozone-depleting fluorinated gas. In 2016, the Kigali agreement ...
We are already experiencing some of these effects. The consequences of global warming, including climate change, will affect billions of people, all around the world. Water from melting glaciers ...
Global warming is often referred to in the news or in conversations about the weather. Environmental scientist Laura Young explains how human activity is causing changes in the Earth’s ...
The findings may help explain why the Arctic is warming at a much faster rate than the rest of the planet, an observation that has long baffled scientists. Ozone-depleting substances (ODS) are manmade ...