September opens with Venus hosting winter constellations in the eastern predawn sky. West of the planet, the bright star Procyon, in Canis Minor, the little dog, rises at almost the same time as ...
May Day finds the red planet on course to glide between the bright stars Procyon, in Canis Minor, to the east and Capella, in Auriga, the charioteer, to the west. At the end of the month ...
in this animated version. Bright and well-placed in December, NGC 2264 is roughly between the bright reddish star Betelgeuse in Orion and blue Procyon in Canis Minor in an otherwise empty patch of ...
The Canpous star resides in the constellation Carina and can be seen with naked eyes during dark skies. It is best seen in Southern Hemisphere. In the constellation Boötes, easily identifiable in ...