The Commander of the Carabinieri Legion 'Campania', Major General Canio Giuseppe La Gala, visited the Napoli Vomero ...
The inhabitants of Tertenia woke up yesterday morning under siege by the Carabinieri of the Nuoro command. A large number of soldiers went into action at dawn to control the territory. The ...
Three nights ago, the Carabinieri of San Vito intervened in via Mazzini following a report of a violent assault that had occurred on the street. Upon their arrival, the soldiers found the 118 ...
The provincial commander of the carabinieri of Avellino, Colonel Domenico Albanese, sent his congratulations to the two soldiers.
Salvo D'Acquisto was an Italian soldier and deputy brigadier of the Royal Carabinieri. Born on October 15, 1920, in Naples, he was the eldest of a modest and large family 'in which solid Christian ...
Pope Francis has decided to clear the path towards the beatification of Salvo D'Acquisto while he is being treated at the Agostino Gemelli hospital for double pneumonia, the Vatican said on Tuesday. ( ...
Therefore, one of the officers climbed over the fence, reaching the man, then grabbed him and placed him in a safe condition, with the help of other Carabinieri soldiers who arrived. Medical personnel ...
The Carabinieri of the Lugo Operational and Radiomobile Nucleus have Two foreign citizens, aged 46 and 24, were arrested for aggravated theft of diesel fuel and attempted corruption. The soldiers of ...
San Giorgio Bigarello (Mantova), 11 marzo 2025 - Da una chiamata ai carabinieri per una lite familiare alla scoperta di 228 grammi di marijuana. Lei, una 49nne di San Giorgio Bigarello ...
RIETI - Nella giornata di ieri il Generale di Corpo d’Armata Aldo Iacobelli, Comandante Interregionale Carabinieri “Podgora”, ha fatto visita al Comando Provinciale di Rieti. Ad ...