Un nen descalç, de fons una paret prefabricada recolzada a l’antiga muralla de Montjuïc, Girona. Un estenedor de roba al sol, ...
L’Ajuntament ha obert una consulta sobre el toc horari de Sant Llorenç per si s’ha de «reduir, eliminar o mantenir» el so del rellotge ...
Catedral Metropolitana and Catedral da Sé de São Paulo. The church is smack dab in the center of the city, near the main square of Praça da Sé. Inside, the venue can hold up to 8,000 people ...
U.S. News Insider Tip: Wander 20 minutes north to reach Hospital de Sant Pau. This elaborate, UNESCO-listed former hospital was the brainchild of architect Lluis Domènech i Montaner and is a ...