Louisiana has attempted "to give the blessing of religion" onto its death penalty practices, says Sister Helen Prejean. Still, she says the two cannot coexist.
Before Jessie Hoffman Jr. enters Louisiana’s execution chamber at Angola, which is expected on Tuesday, he will walk past two colorful paintings of scenes from the Bible ... God in the fiery ...
Purim is a strange holiday for Jews, and nothing is stranger than its central piece: Megillat Esther (the Book of Esther). We ...
God created the universe and placed the deepest mysteries of its workings far beyond human comprehension. Thus, when ...
The term sounds odd indeed, conjuring up images of Jesus with an impressively chiselled physique or, for devotees of the eighties, Vangelis' memorable soundtrack to Chariots of Fire ... and the ...
The term sounds odd indeed, conjuring up images of Jesus with an impressively chiselled physique or, for devotees of the eighties, Vangelis’ memorable soundtrack to Chariots of Fire. However ...
Over two thousand years, the Ramayana has accumulated several layers, troubling both the liberal and the orthodox factions.