Mixing acrobatics, martial arts and theatre, lion dancing is ... of a temple in the southern Chinese city of Shantou, where her troupe trains. "The tenacity of the dancers, their ability to ...
Sign up to receive important email messages about the Imagine RIT Festival this year, and future years, too (save-the-date announcement, event announcements, and post ...
Janet Tam Ellis Lee Yun-fook is the founder, president and head coach of the Yun Fook Tong Chinese Martial Art, Dragon and Lion Dance Association. His vision is to keep the dance relevant and in ...
Li was born into a family engaged in lion dance for generations in Suixi county, Zhanjiang city, south China's Guangdong Province, known as the "hometown of Chinese lion dance." With a long ...
References to the lion dance have been found in writings from as early as the fourth century, including the Chinese literary canon Shujing, also known as the Book of Documents. The tradition is ...
Mixing acrobatics, martial arts and theatre, lion dancing is ... of a temple in the southern Chinese city of Shantou, where her troupe trains. "The tenacity of the dancers, their ability to ...
Find out how Abbie and her family prepare for Chinese and Lunar New Year and how they celebrate together. Discover more puzzles and quizzes about Chinese and Lunar New Year.