Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has made yet another colossal misstep, setting the Armenian nation back decades in ...
At that time Armenia was located in eastern Turkey. After it was destroyed in the 11th century it moved to Cilicia (southern Turkey). That is why to this day the Patriarch of this rite is known as ...
CILICIA - region of very early Christian missionary activity (Gal 1:21; Acts 6:9; 15:23, 41; 23:34); today's SE Turkey Tarsus - home city of Saul/Paul; major university (Acts 9:11, 30; 1:25 ...
Paul was born in Tarsus of Cilicia (modern day Turkey) in the early 1 st century AD. His parents were Jewish. They belonged to the tribe of Benjamin and the sect of the Pharisees. Paul’s native ...