This week, a bill to ban cellphones in schools moved halfway through the state Capitol after passing the House.
Bring Your Own Device is in full swing for freshmen at Hutchinson High School, and school officials are now considering a similar program for sixth grade. But that leaves one important question: ...
Oklahoma House passes a bill to limit students' use of personal electronics, like cellphones, in school to improve mental ...
Almost all (95%) of Australian students use computers at school, highlighting the need for teaching tools that integrate into ...
Issues such as teaching, curriculum assessment and resources are also crucial to student engagement, but far more challenging ...
Another aspect of the STEAM Checkout system is the inclusion of professional development to ensure that educators are ...
Not only do these solutions benefit classroom teachers and students, they also make K–12 IT professionals’ jobs easier. Andy ...
One high school teacher is looking to supply his robotics team with some new equipment to help them, not only in their ...
Governor Mike DeWine announced a statewide school closure mandate on March 16, 2020, giving schools no choice but to go virtual. More: Five years since COVID: What have small businesses learned?
Education has always been the strongest pillar of personal and societal growth. It is the single most reliable method for ...
Gregory-Portland ISD's four bond propositions that will be on the ballot in May include career and technical education and ...
Starting Tuesday, student cellphones, smartwatches and earbuds are banned during the school day in Los Angeles Unified, but ...