The intensive documentation of Jerash began in January 1982, as the Department of Antiquities of Jordan invited the directors of various archaeological institutions that operate in Jordan to take part ...
British niche carmaker Morgan is taking aim at the Porsche 911 with an all-new model that it says is the best handling and ...
Created in cooperation with Magpul, Ruger’s new RXM semi-automatic pistol permits unparalleled personalization, all without ...
Ban also adds that the wall units and columns are modular, making it easier to expand the ... from Paper Log Houses in Marigha, Morocco to Dowel Laminated Timber Housing in Suzu, Japan. A model from ...
[JanTec Engineering] was fascinated by the idea of using a 3D printer’s hot end to inject voids and channels in the infill with molten plastic, leading to stronger prints without the need to ...
The project features glulam columns on a 24-foot by 32-foot grid, topped by large glulam purlins; all in support of curved rafters on 16-foot centers. The roof’s sweeping curvature is achieved ...
Not every great idea nails it on the first try. Henry Ford designed and built nine vehicles before perfecting his formula with the Model T, and the Corvette didn’t even offer a V-8 engine until ...
For the maker looking to turn their project into a business, trying to price your widget can be a bit of a conundrum. You want to share your widget with the world without going broke in the process.