One lane will be closed on the Santiam River Bridge for the next two weeks while crews work on repairing the bridge, ...
Concrete protection has become a rallying cry for bike safety advocates since the death of cyclist Barbara Friedes in a crash ...
CHESTER, Ill. (KFVS) - The multi-million dollar Chester Bridge project connecting Illinois and Missouri continues. Drivers ...
Could the Dames Point Bridge collapse if struck by a vessel? The NTSB says the bridge is one of 68 needing further study to ...
Within days, Robyn Bianchi, the assistant salvage master for Donjon Marine, was out on a boat in the Patapsco River with her team, assessing the site.
The Hudson River Bridge Bear Mountain will undergo major upgrades in 2026, including a new deck, wider sidewalks, and safety enhancements.
Hanson said the key difference sits in the Delaware River near the bridge support piers - structures called dolphins. "When you talk about the Betsy Ross Bridge, we have concrete dolphins that are ...
Kirkcudbright Bridge is shut at short notice after safety inspections, leaving some drivers cut off from the town centre.
The Dames Point is over 400 feet high and part of the I-295 East Beltway, over the St. Johns River. More bridges ... Deegan who said the Dames Point Bridge has concrete barriers called "dolphins ...
Even as the vestige of the waterfront’s industrial past is slated for demolition, the idea of building a new span across the mouth of the Fort Point Channel lives on.
Seven concrete spans varying in length from ... It was the first bridge built over the Missouri River in the Bismarck-Mandan area, according to BNSF, predating North Dakota statehood by just ...