They were numbers in columns, inconvenient obstacles in the ... Faced with a mortal decision, the captives chose to die. Animated in a neo-Coptic style evocative of the long history of Orthodox ...
A unique opportunity to test ancient Egyptian perfumes is underway in an exhibition at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo’s Tahrir ...
He then suggested that the Yoruba Gbadamosi is more faithful to what he thinks is the original form of the name than the ...
It may have a better after life and be more appreciated in academia alongside Latin, Coptic, and ancient Greek ... If Michael Moynihan printed his column this week only in Irish, how many people ...
The columns of a partially restored ... and Last Supper—adorn a small Coptic Orthodox chapel in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Several Christian sects warily share the cavernous sanctuary ...
Coptic data is derived from Coptic Scriptorium corpora ... text file with one word form per line and the POS tag assigned to that word in a second column (a third column with lemmas is reserved for ...
Beautifully produced as an A4-size textbook of 500 pages in two column Arabic, it is the fruit of a three-year ... The book is published by Dar El Thaqafa, which is the publishing arm of CEOSS, the ...
(Columns actually built without curvature will appear convex ... In his “Book of Travels,” Çelebi followed the precedent set by “all the Christian and Coptic chroniclers”: he attributed the founding ...