The Curragh, 22 March 1914 - Reports from The Curragh state that up to 100 officers have resigned their commissions as a result of a decision by the War Office to send extra troops to Ulster.
It is in the interests of very few to remember the events that occurred between Dublin, London, and the Curragh Camp in the second half of March 1914. It was an embarrassment to the Liberal ...
Three of racing's global superpowers will have their lenses firmly trained on the Curragh including on Win Me Over, who makes her debut for Aidan O'Brien with Ryan Moore in the saddle. Obviously she's ...
The trainer, who landed the Irish 1,000 Guineas at the Curragh with Jet Setting in 2016, has been sparing with his raids on his home country since he moved to Malton in North Yorkshire in 2020, but he ...