LAS VEGAS, March 11, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- The owners of the only sculpture authenticated to be from the hand of the Renaissance master, Leonardo da Vinci ... titled 'Horse and Rider', valued ...
Then, for some reason, as the phallic arrow pierces her in the chest, he says, “You Wall Street slut, this is your closing bell.” A blond, blue-eyed real-estate mogul goes to the mayor’s office to ...
With a passion for arguing and a sharp tongue to match his extraordinary genius, Michelangelo was both the enfant prodige and ...
Seeing the Leaning Tower, Pisa Cathedral, the Baptistery and Camposanto are some of the popular things to do in Pisa but ...
High winds knocked over the 12-foot Iron Horse statue in Greene County on Sunday. The statue, recently refurbished and reinstalled in December, suffered minimal damage. The University of Georgia ...
A Cumbrian artist is aiming to install his stallion statue in Appleby as a permanent ... communities that make the pilgrimage to the annual horse fair every June. "The fair has a long history ...
A French Parliament member is demanding that the U.S. return the Statue of Liberty to France, who gifted it to the Americans in the 1880s. Center-left politician Raphaël Glucksmann made the ...
Pueblo officially will be the home of North America’s first and only Leonardo da Vinci Museum, according to a Thursday news release. The Colorado Economic Development Commission has granted ...