Frankie was racing down the small hill in the backyard when he yelped and lifted his hind leg close to his body. The first time my 16- pound cotton ball of a pup yipped in pain and started limping, I ...
Just like Frankie’s ligament, I was also torn. I didn’t want to subject him to an unnecessary surgery, a recovery that required weeks of inactivity and cost thousands of dollars.
If, in case, a patient needs to undergo a surgery, a lot needs to be taken care of to speed up the recovery. Here's everything you need to know about the do's and don'ts before and after an ACL ...
Accelerometer-based rehabilitation may improve recovery outcomes at 1 year after ACL reconstruction. Use of an accelerometer to track postoperative activity levels may be preferred vs. self-tracking.
Frankie was racing down the small hill in the backyard when he yelped and lifted his hind leg close to his body.