If you're making over your walls and ceilings with a new coat of paint, these are the finishes you should go for ...
Archaeologists identified the tomb as belonging to a high-ranking military leader who served under Ramesses III, a pharaoh ...
These materials showcase many aspects, like how artisans garnered the colors they needed in yesteryears and the items that ...
His portrayals of ancient sites in Egypt — and Jerusalem, Baalbek, Petra and Arabia — were bound into volumes of lithographs ...
The Grand Egyptian Museum is filled with archaeological treasures, here's our pick of some of the best historical marvels.
Dubbed the greatest art fair in the world, Tefaf, aka, the European Fine Arts Fair, in the charming history laden city of ...
This stunning seaside city is the largest city on the Mediterranean coast and once stood as Egypt's capital city for almost a ...
Here’s what we loved at TEFAF Maastricht 2025 (on until 20 March), from surrealist Claude Lalanne’s daybed to Ancient ...
Despite the turbulence caused by current global policy shifts, the world’s middle powers can enhance their economic positions and foster mutual gains.
Indeed, what this five-star property delivers most on is cultural immersion—whether it’s the hotel walls adorned ... and 101 suites. Art Deco furnishings and contemporary Egyptian art lend ...
As a scientist, Sara Cox realises the dangers her beloved birds face. As an artist she wants to help everyone else understand ...